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This game feel is something all platformers should have, at least for how satisfying it is to move around. The enemies are more or less fodder due to this, and so is a lot of the platforming, but I really look forward to what you do in the future.

The game controls well and has good flow. The level design was also pretty solid. I really enjoyed it.


Dude, I loved your game. Kisses from Brazil

I'm also from Brazil

wow the good job making the character feel great to play. I can't wait to see what kind of platforming awaits.


Got that 6 directional inputs for everything but bows which is fine in this demo. If you want more arrow direction have time move slower or if character is airborne make his descent slower. Custom Keybinds is necessary

after playing it again I regret saying what I said

This game is very smooth! Really nice animations on it! Really enjoy it! It is featured in my Top 5 of this Week!

Check my video!

That was a beautifully done demo. I cannot WAIT for the full game! The animations were incredibly polished, the movement was very satisfying, and the level design was well done.

The only critique I have is the controls. I would recommend Space be jump, Z be dash, X be attack, and C be arrows. I often found myself mixing up the two movement keys, jump and dash.

That's all :D


Just came across a small bug, I ran into this little room with 2 hearts, this snake turret lowered me to 0 hearts in one shot.

Now I'm stuck in the running animation facing the turret, moving to the right veeeery slowly. Not quite sure what caused it, except I think the block may have been moving down while I narrowly made it inside the room.

If it helps, eventually I made it to the right wall, and when I passed the chain, it made chain noises. So collision is still on.


you can go absolutely INSANE with the dash, its amazing

The animations are so fluid and alive, the music and the overall sound design are also really polished, and the gameplay itself it's super enjoyable and engaging.

I'm sure you've heard this hundreds of times already by now, but this game is absolutely incredible. Somehow in a twenty minute demo you've managed to create a more enjoyable gaming experience than any mainstream game I can think of. The artstyle is perfect, the controls and movement options are the best I've played, and I enjoyed every room. Even though it's still a demo, I know that if you do decide to turn this into a full game, it will become an instant indie masterpiece. Thank you for reading, and thank you for the incredible demo!

Can't think of much to say that others haven't already said, but Ruin Valley is a quality piece of work. Even as a short demo, it stirs up some exploration nostalgia and has some pretty tight controls going for it. Acrobatics that even I could have fun with.

Good job, dev. Keep it up.

I really liked this game! I've seen it a couple of times in Twitter before actually playing it. You absolutely NAILED the art style. It's "simple", but it's beautiful!

The music is cool, but gets a bit monotonous (since it's the same song over and over again). I like how the song has a low-pass filter under water.

I'm not a fan of jumping with Z, tho. I think the up arrow key would be a better fit. It's probably better using a controller, but I didn't have one at hand.

I'm excited about this game, and hopefully coins, upgrades, etc will make it even more exciting!

This demo has a beautiful art style and animations, and the exploration is really fun and I felt I couldn't put it down (at least until I had to go to bed). I personally would have liked for there to be more of that classic Metroidvania style of gameplay going back to previous areas to use your current powers to find new places to upgrade and repeat, but I feel that this game could (and should) do well in the future! Oh, and you should probably add a map system to the game if you plan on making it not so linear. In total what I played I loved, and I wish you good luck in finishing it later!

it's an amazing game it's fun and the moveset is cool and you can make cool moves with it also the art is realy good looking it kinda takes a while to get use to the buttons bug toverall i'ts a polished and a good game

I'm not a huge metroidvania-style game fan but this was actually really fun regardless. Pulling the lever to open up the secret wall gave a a huge fkn dopamine hit btw 10/10 keep up the great work!

Great game! Absolutely delightful and can't wait to see more. The animations, gameplay and music just elevate the experience. I do hope that coins will be used in the game at some point since while it was satisfying to collect them, using them would potentially make it easier for the average player.

Loved it, hope it continue! :)

I absolutely loved the demo. When you're playing the game you can feel just how much care and effort was put into it. The only criticism I have is that the default controls scheme is a bit awkward and I've had momens when I mixed up the jump with a dash

Good movement! I found a bug where you can get crushed between a wall and one of those big moving blocks and softlock the game. Thankfully the campfires act as save points.

ok my play game bya gnys

my help you

hello gnys

This game was an incredibly fun! The music was fantastic and the difficulty was at a perfect level! I struggles with the controls at first because I am clumsy on Keyboard and Mouse BUT! I pushed through and made it through the entire demo! Fantastic game! 


i love this game this is the best 2D game i have ever played :)


(1 edit)

I really loved the game! can't wait to see the full version :)
Good luck with it

btw I did find a bug where the light from the player is offset to the left and sometimes colors don't work

This was super cool! I liked the gameplay alot, It was hard but different. I am so used to spacebar to jump lol. I could only imagine the lengths you can go with this game! For a solo dev I am so impressed and applaud your dedication

This was pretty good! I think the landing sound was a little loud, but I really enjoyed the audio design otherwise. The movement felt good and I liked how the demo introduced each mechanic/design idea.

I suspect this game is going for more of a precision platformer which I'm usually not fan of because I find them too frustrating. So I don't know if I'll enjoy the full game, but I liked the demo!

Also, I would not describe the art style as retro. It's a modern pixel art for sure. It's got all them frames! The art is really great. Not only does it look nice but it communicates the elements very well.

Good luck!

BROOO!!! YO GAME IS EPIIIIIIIC!!! This shit was literally better JUST THE DEMO! than somethin i'm playin that i paid full ass price on!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I adore the movement in this game, I hope there can be more levels and content. The only complaint is the somewhat repetitive two bosses, but overall enjoyed it. 


Loved the demo. Controls are great, art and animation especially are amazing, I think the skelleton is my favorite. People have made really good points in the comments so I wouldn't repeat them too much, looks like you know what you are doing and I don't doubt the end result will be anything but incredible :)

It was really fun playing an old style retro game like this, been a while since ive played one of them, so glad the controls are not like this anymore XD, we interesting to see where you go with this game with the combat, story etc

Feel free to check my video on the game if you would like to 

The jump is so satisfying!! I don't know if it's the animation, the sound or if you have some magic inside the code. But it's so good! Although, the attack, jump and dash button being so close together, I got them confused especially at the beginning. Would have to play for longer to know if the problem fixes itself. But yeah, otherwise than button confusion the core mechanic is very neat

I thoroughly enjoyed my gameplay. Hope to see more.

Beautiful game!!!!!

If you make another demo or update this one, please allow us to swap keybinds!

I'm so used to using X for slash and C for dashing it tripped me up a bit haha

But this game is very very nice, love all the hidden spots,

and I gasped when I realized I could dash upwards and downwards too

I love a good platformer. This one does not disappoint. The controls were very fluid and I really enjoyed the graphical style. Can't wait to play the rest of it. Great job!

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