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(1 edit)

I encountered a glitch while trying to get between the block moving up and the overhang. They are now stuck running backward in mid-air and have no collision with objects. 

Overall though, I love everything about the game. The minimal color palette, the atmospheric movements, and the beautiful character animations.

holy moly, this looks fire

Very nice demo, clean art style, very nice use of the lights and calm music, perhaps I would change the music in boss fights. Looks very promising :)

I love it, end of story

So good! I can't wait to see the full release

of course this does not need to go for every game but I'd love to have a minimap this open a few possibilities like you could easily unlock it at first but it is incomplete and does not contain the whole map so you would have to explore the dungeon to complete it. yes I know it is a bit of a sidequest and could make the player go out of the main goal of the game but I think that if it is done just right, the gameplay would still be the same.

also I would like a lot for the player to have an idle animation because everything felt so 'vivid' when I was waiting for the correct time to jump but the player was just stale.

id also like if the  button Z for jumping and upper arrow were swapped because for me at least it felt confusing.

so well I think that's it? keep up the great work and I cant wait for a full release.

Wow, this game is pretty good. There is always something new when the player progresses further throughout the game. I like it! I put this in my interest collection.

It's kind of funny how I was thinking of creating a purple-haired character for my Rewind Valley Mythology. Awesome job you did for your game. I love it 5 stars.

It's time for me to step up my games as well. xD ;)

This demo is perfect, the union of the character's abilities reminds others games, like ninja gaiden. Congratulations on your work, you're great developer.


Hi! First off: love the demo. The animations are gorgeous, and I love details like how there's a special jump animation for jumping out of a roll. It creates a great sense of fluidity to the movement.

I come from a background of speedrunning - particularly Ori, Hollow Knight, and Celeste - so my feedback will probably reflect a lot on those games. I don't mean to be arrogant enough to say I know what the game "should" be, and I assume you've thought of these things yourself, but I thought it would be worthwhile to say anyway.

The controls are extremely tight, but it's possible to have an Attack input eaten. If you press Attack twice, you'll start doing a combo, but if you delay it to the end of the animation of an Attack, you can press Attack and have nothing happen. It's just before you go back to an idle stance. It felt a little off.

It also feels a bit strange that Dashing off walls doesn't give you your Dash back like in Ori and Hollow Knight, but that's probably just cuz I'm very used to those games.

I know it's a very early demo, but, just in case it's not planned, a small idle animation would help I think. There's so much gorgeous motion everywhere else for the protagonist that waiting on the platforms felt a bit strange.

Only other minor things I'd say are that the sound for actually killing an enemy is a bit anticlimactic. I also got stuck on the arrow puzzle thing, but I see others commented that they loved the tutorial for it, so it's entirely possible I just missed that.

I want to reiterate that I really love how the game feels. It's very refreshing having a Metroidvania that frontloads so much fun movement (though I don't know if that's your plan for the final game of course), and chaining Dash Jumps together is real nice. The level design also seemed strong, with a good amount of hidden collectibles. The line of progression also had me consider multiple pathways, which I always enjoy.

Anyway, sorry for the incredibly long comment. I'm really excited to see more from this game!

I completely agree about the attack animation.
I feel like the dash thing is just different and it didn't bother me at all.

But am I alone feeling as if the bosses hurtboxes are bigger than they should be ?

Hey! Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it! Glad you liked the demo :)

There are 3 people already commenting on the attack getting eaten thing. It actually was a deliberate design choice, but it seems like I might have to change it at least a little bit since so many people find it frustrating. Oh well!

A friend of mine follow you on Twitter and recommended me this demo. I thought it was immensely fun to play, with great feedbacks, a top-notch responsivity on the controller and aesthetically very beautiful on the narrow pallete you choose (very well design as well on the layers of shadow and visibility).

A superb demo and can't wait to see more of your work.

The only feedback I can't give you is to easy the access to your pages, not only emphasize on the end of the demo. The begging was your hashtag on the bottom, i know, but I would create a pause menu option to disclaim the creators of the game. In this way a player at the middle of the demo run can checkout your work and social media. In the middle is a nice place to thought "Wow, this is really cool game! Who made it?", and allows players that not finished your game to consider follow you anywhere :)

Keep the great job!

This demo is amazing. I cant expected for the full game. Congratulations!!

I finally finished the demo! I got stuck on the same arrow-switch everybody has been stuck on. I think you need to make it look more like something that can be shot at, cause at the moment it's barely visible (even with the gif you posted on twitter I didn't understand right away there was a switch). I get that you want to keep it discreet to hide secrets, but in this instance on the main path you have to make it more obvious.

That was the part I kinda didn't like. Everything else is awesome! The controls are amazing, the animations and juice make everything pop and feel alive, the mood is great and well served by the color palette you chose... I can't wait to see how you're going to expand on that.

I'm currently making a similar game, and I'm definitely going to get inspiration from Ruin Valley!

a little gameplay. i hope i give all my support

Very cool demo. its very fun. Hope there is a story soon.

game is really fun and ı love the way you told us how to open secret doors using arrows. I hope there'll be a story too. Cant wait for the real game.


absolutely incredible. I can't wait to see more. I really appreciate the arrow in the wall tutorial; I loved having an "a-ha!" moment when I figured it out

that's very nice :) thanks! glad you liked it

(1 edit)


(1 edit) (+1)

Very cool demo! The controls are indeed tight and it feels great to move around! I love the color palette and all the sprites and their animations. There were a ton of secret areas to find and it made exploring a joy! This project looks promising. Good luck with the rest of development!

Классная демка!
Невероятно крутой арт и анимации!

Большое спасибо! :)


Amazing game. The gameplay is so smooth. Really impressive.

Thanks, was really cool to see someone else play the game haha

Kickstarter when? I mean I can give you money here and all that and I likely well when I finish the demo but there is something about the hype of a kickstarter

Unfortunately, Kickstarter is kinda unavailable in Russia D:

Oh. That is annoying. What about indiegogo? appently people have run that before?

I'll think about it

*nods* of course of course. It's a big deal.  if you just did it snapdash without research I would be worried. It has upsides and downsides  Whateve you do, I look forward to the game!

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (-1)

Wow I absolutely love this game. I'm really excited to see the full version. The art is wonderful and the animations are really nice. I enjoyed playing it a lot and as a single dev this is amazing! The controls feel awesome and silky and it's overall very satisfying. Though I absolutely love it, I do have some feedback. :)

Great Features:

  • Responsive Controls
  • Great Graphics
  • Interactive Background
  • Physics Seem Correct
  • Realistic Bow System
  • Fun to Play (in my opinion)
  • Slow Implementation of Features

Things That are Up to You or I'm Not Sure About:

  • I'm sure you have a story planned, but if you add a good storyline it would really complete the game. It would also kind of lead you down the path you want and make it feel less of just a character on the screen.
  • Maybe having a little guide-character that shows you the ropes or really just says, "Follow me!" and fills you in with the story and history of the game. For example, a little wispy character who hangs around the characters top left area.
  • A map would be useful. I could see something like Hollow Knight's map system, but if you don't want an npc, you could have little bits of map pieces scattered around the map.

Features that Need to be Fixed or Modified:

  • Campfire animation starts standing and then cuts to laying
  • Need Key Binding 
  • Separate Battle Themes for Bosses
  • Settings Option (music, controls, etc)
  • Maybe a Health Bar for the Bosses would help
  • How the money reloads is also really broken. You can spawn by the campfire and instantly camp money

As for now, that's all I have! I think this is an amazing game and I honestly can't wait for the game to release. I'm excited for future updates and decisions and I'm cheering you on all the way! Hoped this helped, good luck!

Wow! Thanks for the review! :)

Most of the features you are talking about will certainly be in the final game, it's just takes a lot of time to code all these different menus, and I wanter to roll out the demo asap :D

And don't worry, there's certainly will be story and lore

Of course! I completely understand that you need time to slowly roll out the game, so I apologize if it seemed pointed. I'm excited to see what story you have in mind 👀

(1 edit)

I'd suggest a mac and linux build.

Tho, i can use wine but i guess it would be more convenient to have a official linux build.


I loved this demo. Movement felt amazing. There were times I wish I could fall faster, maybe an option to ground slam of some sort? Anyways, the game is beautiful and minimal in all the best ways. I'm really looking forward to more.


A way to slide faster when holding a wall would be interesting too. Maybe if we could hold down while touching the wall?


Controls feel great. I was moving around with dash and double jump pretty naturally after only a few minutes. Also I felt like I was in control of weapons mostly, I think because I could shoot down while jumping, slash up, etc. Gave me a sense of autonomy as a player. 

Animations are also lovely.

Lovely demo.

Thank you! Lovely comment.

Does the dash trail damage enemies? It did in one moment, but I couldn't replicate it in another part of the level.

No, it doesn't.


Great game!
Platforming feels really good, animations and backgrounds are awesome and combat feels responsive

I only wish that "double jump refresh" mechanic could see more use

Don't know if it is a bug but when player dies or closes the game all crates previously broken come back and it kinda creates infinite money

Overall tho I really enjoyed my time playing and I'm looking forward to updates or full release!

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it!

Don't think breaking boxes and dying over and over again to gather 10 coins a minute would be an issue haha, but I might rework it later

(5 edits) (+1)

My feedback of the demo:

[What I liked]

+ Good animations and graphics

+ Good physics

+ Good button response

+ Plays great with controller

+ Apparently runs well on Linux with Wine

[What I’m neutral about]

+/- Arrow stock is accurate with real world, but now I can’t snipe my enemies e.e

+/- Can’t rebind keys

+/- Need external program to play with controller

+/- Maybe a map would be interesting to have? (dunno, really; some metroidvanias work well without maps)

[What I thought that were downsides]

- I couldn’t find any indications that there’s anything else to do after getting the bow, or how to do this something else if there is

Overall, seems pretty good already. Feels like Momodora 4 (which I love) but far less stiff (even better).

Can’t wait for more!

(edited because I messed markdown formatting “<.< )


There is a controller support, at least on Windows, maybe there's some problem with Wine?

  • I couldn’t find any indications that there’s anything else to do after getting the bow

There is... it's just slightly hidden.

About controller: maybe? I also forgot my controller counts as generic, so maybe that’s an issue too. I’ll try on Windows later.

About the hidden stuff: I’ll try to look harder for it, then.

Thanks for the reply!


Okay, thanks for the feedback :) Glad you liked the demo!

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