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Damn, that's what i call atmosphere, solid mechanics, a lot of diferent movements for every situation, that's the full package, on top of that, the animations are aoutstanding, good stuff, can't wait for full thing (?)

Why have I not seen this around? This looks like it will be quite good.

The graphics, movement and gameplay feel nice. The thing I'm not so sure about is the music. Original gameplay mechanics would also be nice. This is still a demo, but I hope the next update/full version will improve upon this.


This game has huge potential. I would love to collab and help you polish the game.

forgot tosay sometimes i got stuck attacking to one side and coud not change sides fast enough.dunno if its intentded but its only a minor thing if you keep remmebering not to psam attacks haha

I love pretty much everything for now. The art style (the CRT option is really nice too), movement and fighting. Would love to see the end product!

(2 edits) (+1)

So far a good demo.
I loved the animations, movement and combat style, that certainely gave me the momodora vibes. It's artstyle is simple and solid too.
I liked the limitation on the arrows to avoid camping, but eventually I ended up only using the knife, haha. I loved that you could aim the knife in such many directions though.

The music is a bit gloomy, and I think it last a bit long, which starts getting a bit boring after 10 minutes. perhaps you can spice up the moment you get your knife. A lot of Metroidvania's do start out with exciting music early, but that depends on how you view your game.

I do experience some performance issues in larger rooms, it might be my PC, but I didn't see why that could be an issue, but maybe this is something you could look into?

Anyways, it's a great game, you're making good progress and certainely got the attention.
I'm looking forward for it's release!

Loved the demo, and can't wait to see what else you have in store! I played it during a livestream on my birthday, but I also edited it down to just Ruin Valley gameplay in this video if you'd like to watch it to see my reaction. 

I also plan to make a full review (as I've recently started doing on my channel) that goes over the different aspects of the game if you'd like to hear about that for feedback purposes. 

All in all a really solid game!


This game is really good, i love the graphics and the movement.

This game is fantastic, i played the soundtrack , maps,boss,enemy's all fantastic the amazing. 

 With a great future.

This game is really fun! Good luck on your projects guys, you will need it. For a demo, It delivered what I expected, gameplay & fun, aswell with a bit of challenge. Can't wait for the next updates!

wow! this game is something special! controls are tight and amazing. love the animation. i like how the music makes it feel a bit spooky.

i'm a fan, keep up the great work!

feels like something is missing though, i get deeply immersed then i find my attention wondering. maybe its pacing or the music or maybe its just me.

Awesome game bro!!!

This demo was incredible!  I love the colour palette, it feels very dark and mystic. The gameplay and movement mechanics are super intuitive and make you feel powerful as you dash around this ancient dungeon. Metroidvanias have always been one of my favourite genres and I feel this perfectly captures the energy of the original metroids and super metroid.

I'm sure you have heard this alot and are working on implementing one but I feel a map system would be a great addition to the game and make navigating alot easier.


Is there a discord server?, if not, would you ever consider making one?

When do plan on releasing the full game?

What programs are you using to create the game? (game engine, music program, etc.)

and, How much game dev experience did you have prior to the creation of this game?

I can't wait for the full game and I'll absolutely buy it once the full game is released, this is definitely a 10/10 game.

thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it!

yeah, map has been requested a lot... I will look into it

about a discord server: just made one! - pls come say hello :)

there's also a dedicated server for speedrunners:

release date: sorry, can't say for now

programs: gamemaker studio 2, aseprite, ableton

experience: 8 years or so

I believe I released my first game back in 2014, it was also a 2d pixel art platformer made in gamemaker :) have been making these kinds of games games since

I'm also an okay pixel artist\animator, and know a bit about music (but am not a pro by any stretch)

Hi, thanks for all the answers. I tried all 4 discord links I found and none of them were working, are any special permissions needed? Or is the server no longer running? 

sorry, didn't know discord invite links can get obsolete! here's a new one (this one should be permanent):



This was an amazing demo. The movement was smooth and quick, the attacks were fast and fun. The music set the atmosphere amazingly; I felt like a lonely adventurer trying to escape a dungeon. The pixel art was also stunning, with the lighting effects changing in water or in CRT mode and the color pallet really setting the mood.

The only complaint I have is that the bow doesn't feel very useful outside of finding hidden pathways. Maybe it's my playstyle and favoring the knife, but I never really used the bow because of the 4 arrow limitation. 

All in all, a really promising demo! I look forward to seeing how the game turns out!

thank you very much!

I will definitely buy that game when its done, just love it S2

(1 edit)

The graphic design and sound design are superb. I really enjoyed it!!

this is beautiful. I can't wait to see what this becomes with more work! I'd donate money but I'm broke :(


I loved the game, the look, the gameplay and the soundtrack. you are to be congratulated for your amazing work!




That Was Super fun! The movement was so smooth and the combat was enjoyable! Good luck with this project!


What a fun time! Thanks so much for the experience. It's evident that you took a great deal of care to craft the atmosphere of the dungeons in Ruin Valley. The music is amazing: both peaceful and yet mysterious, which compliments the dungeon setting. I love the color scheme and the character design of the protagonist. It makes me feel like I could be playing this game on a Gameboy, and yet things like the animation of the water make the game feel very modern. The bottom line is that I think gamers of all ages and experiences can enjoy this game, and I'm glad that this is only a demo because I, like many others, would love to see more! I was questioning what was the point of collecting coins but I have no doubt that you will have answers to that in a future release of the completed game. Amazing job and keep up the good work!

yay, someone appreciated the music! thank you very much :)

be sure that coins will certainly be of use in the final game!


Just 1 thing, i love it :D


I love how tight the controls are. how thigt and responsive the controls are. feels good, and how u do some cool and stylish things as the water movement and etc. very very cool, your project have soul. My suggestions Bellow; 

> the combat would be more fun with a fast 3 hits combo, which is different when done in the air (but nothing too floaty.) it would also be nice to throw enemies into the air when I attack up, also if the player had a bigger knockback when attacking an enemy below him (similar to HollowKnight) 
these 4 elements combined together. executed with fluidity and tightness as you program would make your combat even more interesting and fun. and last, dash and shot arrows to all 8 directions would be cool too.

the sound design is also very good and adds a lot to the gamefeel <3 but it would be nice to have something more interesting in the music. I really loved your project, you can feel it was done with care. I wish you to go even more further.


Very nice and smooth controls, great job! This is some serious stuff, truly amazing!

The only thing I'm feeling a bit off is the sliding on the walls. I get some really cool moments when I'm platforming around the level and I feel like the wall slide is slowing me down too much. Maybe have it gradually pick up speed as you slide down.

Any who, great job, man! Love it!

Love the movement, feels great. Animations are clean. This is awesome! 

Pretty cute. Very smooth animations, the movements of the hero and enemies are pleasantly felt. I would like the environment textures to have more color and detail. And I want the music more fun. Atmospheric, yes, but depressing.

I LOVEEEEDDD IIIIITTTT!!!!! It is a beautiful game, It´s not that hard but it is still challenging and it is really fun!


A solid demo, very nice variety of dangers, maybe a bit too easy at times but if this dungeon is supposed to me the tutorial area then it makes sense. I can't wait to see more... those green fields outside, I wonder what creatures they have roaming on them. :) 

Incredible and dynamic gameplay, the game has just the right speed and mobility, a lot of fun to play, plus a challenging level design, simply wonderful, and that's still just the demo, I can't wait to play more

The quality of the game is crasy good :o I just played part of the demo and paused to come here leave a comment and make a donation. Keep up with the good work, I love it !

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

Absolutely love this game, so much so that I've started speedrunning the demo!
Here's my best attempt so far, with more to come in the future

yes, more speedruns please!!! this is very cool! thanks for sharing ♥

i beat it! ^.^ super fun! (: very responsive controls I love it!

Hello, loved the demo. Is this a solo dev game? if not, who made the animations? best of luck finishing it!

hey, thanks! yes, it is

I love the game. Gameplay, scenery, design... perfect. Waiting for the full game.


US here - this is incredible. i love having a double jump and a dash from the beginning. the arrows replenishing with melee attacks is nicely balanced. the artwork is phenomenal and the music matches the setting perfectly.

i am very excited for a full release of this game!

Friend this was one of the best games I have ever played. I wanted to contribute money, but at the moment I can't pay :(. But surely in the world as soon as I can I'll help with something. Hope you have a lot of success, hugs from Brazil :)

This game is brilliant in almost every way. Let me start about with a few criticisms though. There is definitely a drop in performance when you load a save. I don't know if it's unoptimized reading of the file or something; but it's noticeable at best. At least for me, it might vary across devices.

The artwork direction was very good for this demo, I really loved the color pallet and contrasting hues and colors that you used. The main "brick" tile was pretty mundane after a while, I suggest making a cracked variant and spreading it across your rooms.

Overall, very fluid animation. It's definitely your strong suit. The satisfaction of landing a perfect movement combo feels really nice, but I think that the specific rules of movement were introduced a bit too quickly, maybe a bit more demonstration of how to preform an off-the-wall air dash double jump.

Not to say that these skills can't develop, but It would be more fun if these skills were taught earlier on. I haven't played through the entire demo, it's pretty hefty and generous. I will definitely keep an eye out once this game is available. Thanks for giving me and others a great experience, whether or not they liked it.

Thanks for the review!

Could you please tell me more about this drop in performance and how to reproduce it?

10/10 I love it. Juicy animations, good mechanics, just amazing.

(1 edit)

Great game, pretty solid, please continue, even a part of Brazil is counting on you

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